Monday, April 25, 2011

Life Crises

I haven't written for awhile because I was busy going through life crises (many of them). They come almost monthly now and are either induced by money (lack thereof) or aspiration or both. I've become increasingly tired of being unable to save money because of my thousands of dollars of loan debt from undergrad. I make enough to pay my bills, buy my groceries, and go out for drinks, but I just don't save anything. But I'm not willing to spend the rest of my twenties in NYC trapped in my apartment on the weekends drinking watered down whiskey. I'm trying to enjoy my time here before the 9-5 plague gets to me and fucks over my sleep schedule. So it's a catch-22. Either I stop enjoying myself now and start saving a mere $100 per month or spend that on making the rest of my twenties a good freaking time before I'm consumed by a job that gives me weekends off, 10 vacation days per year, and makes me wake up at 6am (impulsively on the weekends). So please, call me young and naive. I'm not willing to accept it.

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